Why Convert PDF to Explainer Videos Using AI?

Static PDFs can be dull and uninteresting. Videos grab attention with movement, sound, and visuals. Use BrianyDocuments.com to convert PDFs to Videos.

Why Convert PDF to Explainer Videos Using AI?
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Enhanced engagement: Videos are more engaging than static PDFs

Static PDFs can be dull and uninteresting. Videos grab attention with movement, sound, and visuals. Think about it—would you rather watch a lively video or read through blocks of text? Videos bring your content to life, making it more appealing. They can include animations, voiceovers, and transitions, which keep viewers hooked from start to finish.

Accessibility and shareability: Videos are easier to share on social media and other platforms

Sharing a PDF on social media isn’t straightforward. Videos, however, are perfect for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They can go viral, reaching thousands quickly. Plus, people are more likely to click on a video than download a PDF. Videos can also be embedded in websites and emails, making your content more accessible to a broader audience.

Better retention: Video content helps in retaining complex information better

Videos combine visuals and audio, which help people understand and remember information. Complex topics become simpler when explained through videos. For example, a science concept can be shown with animations and voice explanations, making it easier to grasp. Studies show that people remember 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text form.

Broader reach: Videos can cater to visual and auditory learners

Not everyone learns the same way. Some people learn by seeing, others by hearing. Videos cater to both types of learners. Visual learners can see diagrams, animations, and other visual aids. Auditory learners can benefit from voiceovers and sound effects. This dual approach ensures that your content reaches and resonates with a larger audience.

By converting your PDF to an explainer video using AI, you enhance engagement, improve accessibility, increase retention, and broaden your reach. BrainyDocs makes it super easy for you to convert PDFs to Videos. Give it a try for free.